Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ticket Week: 2

Ticket save the date magnets are very popular here at Save the Date Originals.  This week, blog posts will feature new ticket ideas & variations that people have had me (the designer) working on this year.

The second ticket design features this week is a variation on an existing save the date ticket design.  The original ticket (TicketMT2) is fairly neutral with regards to exactly what team it would represent.  And though the design features a football graphic, that football could just as easily be switched to a baseball, hockey stickers, bat, or some other sports related item.

The new version of the design is similar, still for a 2x5.5 inch magnet, but is meant to clearly show some Houston Texans spirit.

This ticket was another example of trying to find a way to incorporate the team imagery without using any logos. In this case, horns, a star, the helmets, and the colors, do the trick.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Ticket Week: 1

Ticket save the date magnets are very popular here at Save the Date Originals.  This week, blog posts will feature new ticket ideas & variations that people have had me (the designer) working on this year.

The first new save the date ticket design is based on a football ticket.  This couple went to  Auburn University, and wanted to show off some team spirit along with their photo and save the date info.

This ticket is mostly brown and white, but there is a bit of the orange and blue Auburn University colors.  This is a good example of a ticket design that closely mimics an actual ticket, but, without the use of any trademarked logos.

This ticket design ended up at about 2.6x5.7 inches.  Pricing for this magnet size would be the same as that which is posted on this page:http://www.savethedateoriginals.com/magnetpricing5.php