Saturday, March 22, 2014

Save the Date Magnet Holder Cards

A lot of people either buy or make holder cards for their magnets when they order a small size (like 2x3.5 inches) that is too small to mail out.

There is also the case of the 2x8 photostrip magnet- it's a lot thinner than any envelope size, so people will often make holders for that case too.

Another reason is just to enjoy the presentation.  Check out this 5x7 inch holder card, paired with a photographic 4x2.5 inch magnet.  The card includes hotel information, which you have to admit, is very useful for guests who will need to travel.

This is a classic save the date idea;  Looks good, isn't overly complicated, and is informative.  This example uses navy and gold colors, but to personalize, you could go with different color pair.  How the wording will fit on the magnet depends a lot on the photograph used- you can see that there needs to be some background space in the chosen photograph.

Cards can hold a magnet via slits, like this example, or with photo corners, or maybe even ribbon.

Cost would depend on a few things;  Not the least of which is how many you need.  A good 2014 estimate is for a complete set like the pictured example is $1.80, but that is just an estimate.  You'll need to email about your version of this idea to get a firm price quote.

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